Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Cleansing of Rain

All last week or the week before (I can't remember, ha) it rained which I found ironic in a sense because of what rainy days mean to me. I'd just gotten out of a relationship (as I have mentioned) and suddenly the skies were dark and overcast with rain falling down. Now to some that would mean depression and only make you miss your ex all the more... Not for me. I literally love rainy days so much! I feel calmed and more at peace when it's overcoast and the promise of rain is in the air.

During that week, it would sometimes pour, other times it was a drizzle, but there was always the scent of rain in the air. It was soothing to me, as I always seem to find rain soothing. Now you, like everyone else, are probably wondering why I love rain so much. More than not I would tell you what I would normally tell them which is simply that I love the sound of rain. The truth is much more complicated. There is so much more depth to my feelings than the simplistic answers that are given in everyday mundane conversation between acquaintances. I'm going to let you get a little under my skin with this post.

My love for rain is more than the sound of it pitter-pattering on the roof of a car or a tin roof. It's more than the way it ripples on the water's surface as it lands or the way it slowly descends on a windowpane and you find yourself following its meandering path. As your eyes follow, you find yourself reminiscing. You remember your past, the sad, the happy, the fantastic. You'll find yourself choking up over the sad memories, grinning from ear to ear from the happy ones, and almost outright laughing from the fantastic moments you recall. Once you've satisfied yourself to the past, you measure the difference from your past self to your present self. You recognize the changes not only in your appearance but in your soul, in the development of your personality. You connect the difficult times of your life to the kind of person you have become today, now, at this very moment and you feel almost grateful for the trying times. You feel grateful because you know that without them you would not have become who you are, at least not to the depth that you have currently reached and are seeking to reach in the future. This trail of thought leads you to thinking about your future, but you don't think too far ahead because it can be painful wondering what is in store. Who's waiting for you or who's not going to be around or even if you believe that you can actually become the person you are imagining. After all is said and done, you spend your time pondering and you feel a sense of self, like you have reconnected with your soul and you can take the next step forward with a clearer picture of where you want to go and who you want to be. After you have analyzed your past and present, you know that no matter what you go through in the future, you can always make it out on top because you're here now, aren't you? You've possibly already experienced your own personal Hell and have come out the other side conqueror! So, you know that you can do it again, if need be, with a different situation because you have proven to yourself and with the support of your Heavenly Father that you are strong enough.

Rainy days are my days because it gives me the perfect excuse to do all of that; to contemplate my past, my present and my future. Even with all of that immense depth (c'mon let's be real, that was pretty deep, am I right?!). Rainy days mean so much more than just a day to reminisce. Rainy days allow new beginnings. The rain washes away the dust, the mud, and even cleanses the atmosphere. The air smells before and after rainfall as sweet and refreshing as a cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. The rain is cleansing and purifying. It doesn’t just mean a new beginning or a fresh start for the land it washes over, it also means that I can begin anew, that through everything; every heartache, every tear, every angry moment, it can all be washed away with every raindrop that falls.

Just like the Atonement of our Savior, Jesus Christ. All of it is washed away and made new and made easier to carry when we accept His beautiful gift of redemption into our lives. Through His saving grace and His love all can be washed clean just like the Earth after rainfall. I love rainy days because it reminds me of the Savior and His atoning sacrifice He has gifted to us which is a sacrifice of love. He loved all of us SO MUCH INDIVIDUALLY that He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for each of us individually. He bled at every pore and cried out to the Father in anguish, went through THE most traumatic event so that we could all live with our Heavenly Father again. What a gift! What a gift of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! How powerful is love truly? The Atonement is a testament of our Savior's love for each of us and for His love of our Father in Heaven. Not only of His love for us and the Father but what a testament of his testimony of the Plan of Salvation and of the Lord's plan for each of us individually! He knew that we would need help when we came to this Earth to live a mortal existence. A mortal existence, where we could learn and grow to become more like Him and His Beloved Son. How blessed and how loved we are! Knowing that and understanding it, that is where true joy lies and that is why we push on and why we continue to progress and move forward. When we understand that all we need is His love and Him, everything will fall into place. When we truly know, and I mean KNOW who we are and our Divine Nature, it makes ALL the difference! Every moment of every day, knowing that I have a Heavenly Father and an Elder Brother who love me unconditionally and support me in my righteous endeavors that is what gives me the strength to press on and to be the best me I can be. His love is unmatchless and unfathomable. If we knew, truly knew, how much the Lord loves us, we would be overwhelmed and overcome with such pure joy, we would not know what to do with ourselves. Understanding His love and His plan and following His guidance, that is when we find true happiness and when we live His teachings on top of it... No words. There are not words to describe how we would feel because it is that unfathomable and that WONDERFUL!!!! Just like the way I feel during a rainy day, being washed clean, feeling of His love for me and knowing that through His Atonement, I can always be washed clean, just like the Earth after rain.

A rainy day is my new beginning. A rainy day is my time to remember where I am going and who I want to be. It’s my day and my time to remember and move forward with renewed strength. My day, my time to progress with the Savior and my Father in Heaven as my guides.

Be Happy! Be Strong!! Most of all, BE YOU!!! <3 xxx

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